Everyone always asks, how are you feeling? Now how am I supposed to respond to that? If I'm being polite, I'll say "fine." If I'm being honest? Well, let's see.

- I can't sleep at night because there's no easy way to sleep with a watermelon under your shirt.
- If I do get to sleep, I wake up every 2 hours with a violent urge to pee like I haven't peed in a week.
- When I do get up to pee, this usually awakens Sarah Beth, who then proceeds to beat me unmercifully.
- If I can make it more than 2 hours without running for the bathroom, I'll probably be awakened seizing up with leg cramps, like I've just run a marathon, when it was really just across the room to the toilet.
- I have constant heartburn, even from eating stale rice cakes.
- Walking back and forth from the bathroom to the couch 5 times during an episode of Murry physically exhausts me. (Thank God for Tivo; how else would I ever catch a whole episode of anything??)
- And the BH contractions have started. They aren't too painful yet; just imagine squeezing your waist into a pair of jeans that are 2 sizes too small and wearing them for a few minutes, taking them off, then putting them back on again every 10 minutes or so for an hour.
- Also, none of my clothes fit properly. I'm wallowing around like a beached walrus in a flowing muumuu after I found out I gained SEVEN POUNDS in ONE MONTH at the doctor yesterday.
- Also, my back hurts like hell and I have unbearable gas.
Now you tell me, how would you feel?
unbearable gas huh? what's changed since before you were preggers??? and i am NOT a brat heather... that hurts. really.
the only thing that's changed, meredith, is that before I was pregnant I could hold it in. It was just more fun when we were in the car together to lock the windows and let it out. you're welcome.
how much do I love you and jack. I wish I could hang out with you 24 hours a day. will you adopt me? I would be a great big sister to Sarah Beth.
this does not make me want to concieve anytime soon.
mere, you are really not that much of a brat.
i love you.
both of you.
pratically there is love in my heart for all murpheys.
awww. thanks heath. can i call you heath? there is love in my heart for all tomlinsons. for all times. especially henry.
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