Michael Cera is better known as George Michael (not to be confused with the singer/songwriter) on the insanely hilarious television show Arrested Development. Unfortunately, the larger portion of the Fox viewing audience was much too untelligent to appreciate the show, and it was cancelled.
Anyway, this guy is really funny; he's got a movie coming out on Friday called Superbad. I'll be sure to review it for you after I see it.
So I'm waiting to hear back from Andrew and Jen. I hope she gets the guts to say hey to him. I told her it was my birthday wish to talk to him on the phone. I'm anxiously awaiting a callback. I'll let you know how it goes.
I always miss the celebrity sightings. Last time Jack was in New Orleans, he hung out with Harry Shearer. I missed it because I didn't want to make the trip. Now I miss out on seeing George Michael. It's a shame. Maybe one day I'll get to meet someone famous. If any celebrities are out there reading this, I want to meet you. Post a comment and we'll talk.
Yeah, we should definitely sacrifice the whole "virgin thing"
one time (like in 1995) I was in the denver airport and I saw Tonya Hardin, the ice skater extraordinaire.
At least I think it was her.
Well, I’ve been thinking. You know, I mean, every society has their own rules about this stuff. For instance, in some states, it’s legal to marry your own cousin. California’s blocked it twice, but that’s only because they tacked it onto an estate law thing that wasn’t gonna pass. We had the signatures...
George Michael, I want you to stay on top of your cousin. don't cut her any slack. ride her. ride her hard.
i can't freaking believe they saw george michael. no. way.
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