Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I have so many things to do today to get ready for SB's arrival tomorrow. However, I just tried to leave my house, and I almost died. I walked out the front door like always, headed to my car. I got all the way down the steps before I realized that at the bottom, just 2 steps away on the sidewalk was a giant black and yellow snake. I froze, then ran.

For the record, I'm completely terrified of snakes. I watched it from the safety of my living room window, and it slithered into the monkey grass surrounding the sidewalk, then I saw it's ugly head peeking over our front porch, watching me, taunting me, daring me to open the front door. It looked like it was very much ready to pounce on me.


I'm scared to leave the house now, because who knows where it's hiding now, waiting for me, no doubt. If anyone out there isn't too busy, I need some help over here.


Anonymous said...

glad I could at least be there for you over the phone...you survived the snake!! Can't wait to meet SB!! Love you!

Unknown said...

remember when mere stepped on a snake in her house in pratically mexico?

sisterly bond, no doubt.

good luck with that, buttercup.


The Texas VicHorns said...

Heath hit the nail on the head. I can TRULY relate. yikes.
