Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Monday, September 24, 2007

Go Bulldogs!

I'd just like everyone to know that the Bulldogs have been undefeated while the Rebels have yet to win a game since SB was born 2 1/2 weeks ago. We are 3-0 while Ole Miss is 0-3 since SB made her appearance. She loves to wear her bulldog outfit on gameday, and I think she's a good luck charm.

I think that the elements, as Dr. Watson said to Sherlock, "are coming together, sir." I was shopping for my daughter, SB (I buy most of her clothes). And Coach Croom was in the same shop, and it just was an accident. Y'know, we started talking... about pantyhose. He was saying—whatever, that's not the point of the story, but what the point is was that through this accidental meeting—it's like, y'know, it's like a Hitchcock movie, where, you know, you're thrown into a rubber bag and put in the trunk of a car. You win games; you win them. Is it karma? Maybe. But we're winning. That's the important thing. And I got SB a wonderful pantsuit.


Anonymous said...

Wow she really is freakin' adorable. I'm so sorry I missed her two week birthday last Thursday...I'm so embarassed. I'll send her her "Remains of the Day" lunchbox in the mail.

Tracy~ said...

She is precious despite her new dress! :)

jennybob said...

SB is absolutely beautiful. I hope that she's sleeping a little more now for you Em!
I love you three!

The Texas VicHorns said...

SB can do it all. sing, dance, act...MAN I WISH I WAS IN THE SHOW!!

LT (and Max) said...

"i've been working at the DQ for about 8 months...7...i don't know, something like that. it's fun. just do the cones, make sundaes, make blizzards and put stuff on 'em"

(i love how there are a handful of people who read this post as well as some of these comments and have ABSOLUTELY no idea what's going on...bless their hearts)

Unknown said...

she is really perhaps the cutest of all. She and Henry should really get together in a couple of decades.

Barbara Streisand and SB - they really can do it all. The two should join forces. UNSTOPABLE.

Deena said...

Emily Redwood....She's beautiful. I'm so happy for you guys! How's the world of being a mommy? It seems so strange...I didn't even know this was going down until June! Are you guys living in Starkville?

Anonymous said...

well arent you nice It and max makeing fun of people this was a weird post.
