I've been a fan of Ramiele, but last night was disappointing. It wasn't even a little pitchy for me, dawg. It was just off-key. Also, I didn't know the Wachutus were biters. Even Paula's elbow-length fingerless black gloves weren't loving it.
Castro's Spanish performance just wasn't good for me either. BORING.
Syesha was awesome. She was spot-on, and she's who I would vote for, if I cared enough to vote.
I'm still having a love affair with Brooke White. I love the piano, and I thought her rendition of the Police's "I'll be watching you" was great. And I don't know anything about singing talent.
Michael John's rendition of "We will Rock You/We are the Champions" brought back memories of my glory days on the Hebron basketball court. Remember those days, Meredith? They certainly were glorious.
While I've been back and forth with how I feel about Carly, last night's performance sealed her fate in my heart forever. I have a confession to make. I love "Total Eclipse of the Heart." It's one of my favorite songs ever. Isn't that sick? I love to sing it in the shower LOUDLY when Jack is not at home. I burned it on a CD once so I could listen to it in my car, but I threw it away in fear that someone would find it and make horrible fun of me. But now that it's out of the bag, perhaps I'll make another.
But I digress. I still love little David A., but who doesn't? And I wanted to punch David C. in the neck when I heard his rendition of MJ's BJ. When they announced that he would be singing Billie Jean, I got real excited, because I also happen to be a Michael Jackson fan.
When the music started, I thought to myself, "This must be a different song called Billie Jean." but it wasn't. it was just a horrible arrangement of the original. I just wanted him to sing it right. But Paula's gloves loved it; she even said she thought he could "beat this whole competition." Thanks for your always intelligent commentary, Paula.
While Jack wasn't crazy about the arrangement either, he was impressed with the vocals. He stretched out the final notes and "did some Steven Tyler 'stuff' with it" according to Jack. Jack then proceeded to pay David C the highest compliment he had:
"Only me and...well, I don't know anybody else that could have hit those notes like that."
Which leaves me with only one other contestant about whom I must blog. You know who I'm talking about. Kristy Lee Cook.
She cleverly played to America's sense of patriotism by singing about how she's proud to be an American. Maybe that will keep her out of the bottom 3? I hope not.

Never before has a display of American patriotism made me feel so sick to my stomach. Never before hippie-haired KLC's performance last night. I was puking red white and blue all evening. God bless the USA for voting her off the show and putting us all out of our misery.
Love the title of this blog!
I think Jason like to smoke pot all the time.
I love David A.
David C. is weird.
Carly is my fave!
Foiled again! KLC lives to sing another day.
Ok...I haven't really been keeping up with AI, but I did catch it this week...and I must confess - Dustin and I were both OBSESSED with David C.'s Billie Jean!! We totally agreed it was "brilliant" and think he is a born rockstar! Loved it!
It was March 12th! :)
How could Michael John's performance not take me back to HCS vs Immanuel? We really creamed them.
I also have to agree with Katie that I loved David C's Billy Jean. Don't hate.
Otherwise I completely agree with your comments. When are you coming to see me?
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