Are you ready for this?
It's only the biggest thing to come out of Mississippi since Lance Bass. Maybe you should sit down.
Tomorrow night, 7:30 pm, the world-renowned actor, singer and performer extraordinaire, the one and only, THE BIG BOPPER, the great Mr. Dennis Haskins will be appearing at Mississippi State University.

I couldn't believe the news when I received a text just moments ago from fellow SBTB fan Laura. Fortunately, her mother called her with the news just in time! I was ready to go, but Laura acted like she was too cool for school, until I reminded her that this was indeed the opportunity of a lifetime.
Silly Laura. Like we could sit at home watching Idol, pretending Mr. Belding wasn't performing at our alma mater, like there was nothing better to do but watch a bunch of primadonnas strut around stage while lip synching, like we could afford to MISS the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the most famous principal of them all, like Ryan Seacrest could trump the big bopper! That's what Tivo is for. Can you Tivo Mr Belding performing at Lee Hall, Laura? Can you? I think not.
So I am charging my camera, bringing an extra battery pack, packing my 1st edition SBTB VHS series in case of autograph opportunities, and I am working on a list of things I want to say, in case of meet and greet.
So much to do, so little time. If you want to catch a ride ( as I'm sure parking will be a NIGHTMARE), get here early because this carpool is leaving on time! Show is at 7:30, doors at 7, so I figure we will need to get there by 5:30 at the latest, so we can get in line.
My head is still spinning.
Bopper, Bopper, Bopper, Bopper...
I wonder if it's too late to make t shirts??
5 comments: i hope the balding belding makes a pit stop at SRSU. if not, i can always meet him at the MAXX
WOW. What a great post. Please post pictures!
let's face it. everyone is jealous.
this is totally hilarious. I knew I missed starkville for more reasons than just City Bagel. I can't believe the missed opportunity on my part by living away.
So what are you wearing? B-Ba-B-Ba-B Go Bayside cheerleading outfit?
I am a closet SBTB fan. How was it?!
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