Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spaghetti: It's What's for Dinner

PUPPY UPDATE: No puppy yet. I didn't get to Jackson in time last weekend to get him, as the owners were going out of town, and I was running late. So my dear friend Amy is picking him up for us and bringing him home on Thursday. If SB understood what was going on, she would be going crazy.

While I am sad that we still don't have him, there is a bright side. My camera battery charger disappeared right around the time Mr. Belding came to town. Fortunately, God had mercy on me and the battery lasted long enough for me to record that sacred event, but it died soon after. I was not even able to turn my camera on long enough to upload the pics I had already taken, let alone take any new ones. After hours of fruitless searches, I finally broke down and ordered a new one, and it arrived yesterday!!

So the special puppy moment can be recorded for you to enjoy for all eternity. I know; I'm relieved too. Since I just uploaded a ton of photos this afternoon, I thought I would share a few of my faves.

We got a little dirty playing outside last night, so SB's clothes had to come off before she was allowed inside for dinner. A bath was definitely in order, but since we were having spaghetti for dinner, I decided to let her have a go at her supper first.

And boy did she go at it. Forget the utensils; hands work much better with those slippery noodles. And her belly caught what her mouth missed.

She was only too happy to say "cheese" and show off her handiwork.

Wait, I'm not in trouble, am I?? I can use the fork if I have to!


LT (and Max) said...


Amy Jordon said...

Yikes! Glad we aren't the only ones who get dirty at dinner. (:
Can't wait to see the puppy.

Tracy~ said...

I have those same exact pics of my boys! She really is so cute.

The poll for the puppy is closed and it looks like it may be Tobias if you listen to your readers. But I'm going to go with Murray.
