Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Po Po Popo ZOW

I'll admit it. I'm an April Fool. Dave got me good. When Jack and I were driving home from dinner Tuesday night, we saw this on the sign in front of the local tavern:

I fell for it. hook, line and sinker. I immediately called my sister Mary Beth, because she is always in the know about everything. Especially when it comes to musical acts and bands performing around town. And with K Fed, I use the term "musical" like you would use the term "intelligent" when referring to Tyra Banks. However, I was certainly not going to miss an event that was certain to be featured on "The Soup" later that week.

But, of course MB already had the scoop on the April Fool's joke, and clued me in before we wasted our money on the cover charge.

And I was so looking forward to posting pics of KFed with Jack, me and SB.

He's just so talented.


The Texas VicHorns said...

I love his ice.

Poor SB had to miss out. What a travesty. Can you email me some new pics?

Anonymous said...

What I would give to walk in SB's nursery and see a big picture of K Fed holding her framed on the wall.

Rob Redwood said...

NICE obscure Office reference

Tracy~ said...

Again, I almost spit diet coke on my keyboard. You make me laugh. KFed in Starkville that's hotttt! Too bad it wasn't true!
