Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Friday, September 19, 2008

Miserable Vomitous Mass

Whew. SB is finally asleep, taking her afternoon nap. Hopefully, when she wakes up this time, it won't be with a diaper full of stinky you know what. That's right, folks. SB has got the stomach bug.

I've been pooped on and puked on more times that I want to remember in the past 2 days. It all started when I went to get her out of her crib yesterday morning, usually a happy time. When I walked through her door, I was knocked down by such a scent that it sent me backwards into the hall, choking for air.

Her room reeked for the rest of the day, despite my best efforts. I stripped her bed, even the bumper pads had to go into the washing machine. Twice. I empied the trash and almost threw her clothes away, but instead decided to send them through the washer two times as well. They were really cute and new. I opened the window and put some scented candles in her room AND turned on the fan. Still stunk like a skunk.

Six loads of laundry, five wardrobe changes, four nasty diapers, three pukes and two days later we seem to be on the up and up. And my carpet has never been cleaner, thanks to Resolve carpet cleaner, which has been scrubbed into my living room carpet three times in the past two days.

So stay away, all ye friends. Stay away just in case. I don't want this thing spreading. Now I'm off to take a nap. Hopefully won't awake to any more laundry. I need a vacation.


Amy Jordon said...

Your title is great. And that is really how it feels to have a small child with a stomach virus. Then your hoping that you don't get it at the same time. Or afterward. Or ever.(:

Claire said...

EMILY. That picture on the side of SB and Jack coyly smiling at each other,like they're plotting something mischevious together.

That's officially my favorite picture I've seen yet...seriously...that is priceless. Did you take it? That took mad skill. I'm impressed.

Jennifer said...

Aww poor thing! I hope she is feeling better and that you or Jack don't get sick! I love all the b-day pictures. it looks like she had a blast! Tell Meredith if she has time I would like to see her - so y'all can meet Drew!

Tracy~ said...

I hope SB is feeling better. I am with Claire - that pic of her and Jack is priceless. Those two are going to get in trouble together!

The video is precious. Love the tutu/topless thing going on!
