Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Friday, February 22, 2008

"we should have another baby"

Yes, this is a direct quote from my dear husband. He told me this morning that he thinks it's time we had another kid. But that's only the end of the story. We're going to Tarantino this thing and find out why he said this.

Let's go back.

We spent Wednesday preparing for our taxes. No easy task when you consider that we have to go through all of our receipts for the whole year. The Lowe's file alone was about a foot thick. No surprise when Jack goes there about 3 times a day. That's nearly a thousand receipts from just one store!

So we added it all up; several hours and 3 paper cuts later, we were done. Our appointment with our accountant was yesterday afternoon, and we were none too happy about it. We're going on 4 years of marriage, and in our house, refunds are unheard of. Every year we owe more than the one before it. 2007 was an exceptionally SLOW year in the construction business, so we didn't think we would owe too much. We also prepaid a good bit last year, thinking that would soften the blow.

Well, long story short, we spent about 1 1/2 hours going over all of our expenses with our accountant, and it turns out that SB is quite the little tax write-off! Between having a baby and buying a house, we were off to a good start. When you add in the fact that business was so slow, baby you've got a stew going! Before we even finished claiming all of our deductions, we were getting money back!!! I almost fell out of my chair when I heard.

SB pretty much paid us back for the cost of getting her here. So let's just say we were grateful. I wanted to do something nice for her, so I ate plenty of oreos and ice cream after dinner. I think she enjoyed it.

Anyway, back on track. The whole tax write off thing seemed to get the wheels turning in my husband's head, and this morning he hit me with this:

Jack: We should have another baby.
Emily: Yeah, after SB gets a little older, then we will.
Jack: No I mean like this year. Right now.
Emily: What? Why on earth would we do that?
Jack: Just think, we could do it completely for free! Let's have another baby.
Emily: (brief pause) I just can't think of any good reason not to do it.
Jack: Really?
Emily: Oh wait, except we already have a baby.

I told him the only way I would think about having another kid before SB is 2 would be if Meredith moved home and got pregnant. So our kids could grow up together. So Mere, it's up to you. I'm waiting for you. And Jack is counting on you to get us another tax deduction. No pressure.


Katie said...

Ha! I love this story!

Well, its a plan then! Mark your calender for March 1! I'll call you soon! I cant wait to hang out and meet SB!

Tracy~ said...

You are funny and never cease to make me laugh.
I don't know what a tax refund is... I'm glad y'all do this year!

laura beth said...

thank you so much for this post. seth will be much more inclined to have a baby in a few years, if he knows the little one will serve as a tax write off.

LT (and Max) said...

i agree with jack. to much time has passed since SB was born. it's time for another one, perhaps multiples next time.

laren said...

just to up the ante...if you, Miss Em & the dear Miss Mere agree to take one for the team, i'm in too. that's right, 3 slightly outrageous women pregnant & blogging at the same time...blog-world beware.

by the way, my next child will be a boy...William Garrison Bridges. The final child, a girl, will be Laren Alexandria Bridges - aka Lexie.

not that i'm over-thinking.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Jack knows what he's saying.

The Texas VicHorns said...

done and done.

Sarah Mae said...

I love ANY plan that involves the Horns moving to Mississippi. Jack and Emily are my new favorite masterminds.
