Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Go to sleep little baby

Sorry I've been gone for a while. I've been a little busy being a mom. You know, feeding the baby, changing the baby, pulling my hair out by the roots. The usual. SB finally slept last night in segments of more than 20 minutes at a time. So that was good.

Lately she's become somewhat of a night owl. Around 8 o'clock every night, when I get ready to put her to bed, her eyes pop wide open and she has a heart attack every time I put her in her crib. She just wants to bask in the gloriousness of the night, and she wanted someone to share in that experience with her. It just wasn't something she was prepared to handle by herself. I was the big winner, by default, since Jack was absorbed in his Madden Playstation game, completely oblivious to his screaming child.

Seriously, you would have thought that someone put a red hot poker up her nose every time I put her down.

So I held her. And we rocked. And she ate. Then I put her down and sneaked away from the crib. She always waits until I get cozy and warm under the covers before she lets her lungs loose. After about 15 minutes of crying, I held her, rocked her, fed her and put her back down. While I stood by the crib, she seemed so peaceful, sleeping soundly. I guess it's like the old saying, a watched baby never cries. not until I get in bed, certain she's finally down for the night.

Such trickery. We played this game Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. I would put her down, she would cry as long as I could stand it, then I would feed her, change her and rock her to sleep. Repeat cycle.

Anyway, I finally got some sleep last night, thank the Lord. But if anyone out there is interested in an overnight guest, she doesn't take up much room, she's just a little noisy at times. And she makes a great alarm clock.

How can you say no to this face?


Anonymous said...

funny, i didn't hear a thing when i stayed there saturday night.

Anonymous said...

oh, wait. now i remember.

LT (and Max) said...

i'm on my way to see her RIGHT NOW. i love her.

The Texas VicHorns said...

You're right. I definately could not say "No" to that face.

But I could probably say "Shut your yapper!"

Unknown said...

she is adorable. sreams or no screams.
SB for life.

Tracy~ said...

There isn't a tired like new baby, mommy tired. I feel for you. It's no fun... it's a good thing we love them so much or no one would ever have a second child.

laren said...

she's freakin' adorable and if she has one grain of your sense of humor, i definitely want her to be friends with my kids. um, so, well...Meredith and I are trying to figure out how my family can just show up at your family's Christmas and no one really ask any questions. any thoughts? just something you could ponder while you aren't sleeping.
