This is it. The holy grail of cleaning supplies. I kid you not; I have been so excited all day that I couldn't wait to blog about this.
My shower has some kind of inherent defect that causes it to become filthy and disgusting over a very short period of time. I noticed yesterday that it had become disgusting again despite a heavy duty scrubbing a mere 2 weeks ago. I mean, seriously, how often do you have to scrub your tub??
I wish I had a "before" picture so that you could see the difference. Take my word for it; it was embarrassing. Even after a backbreaking 20 minute workout with comet and a follow up meeting with Scrubbing Bubbles, the corners of my tubby were still lightly stained brown. So gross, I know. But in the 2 1/2 years that we have lived with this shower, I had gotten used to and even accepted the fact that the corners would always be brown.
"Try Comet," my mother would say. "Let it sit on those stains for a little while, then attack with a toothbrush."
I did just that on several occasions, and it worked pretty well. But not well enough.
My back? Aching.
My hands? Dry and cracked and arthritic.
Tub corners? Still brown.
My next stop was here:
Scrubbing Bubbles! They do the scrubbing for you! Well, that sounded just dandy to my poor hands and back. Spray it on, wipe it off, voila!
No dice.
My mother still insisted that comet would do the trick. Undoubtedly, I just wasn't scrubbing properly.
Well mother, it's time to wake up and smell the Tilex.
I bought some today in a desperate attempt to keep my shower from scumming up so fast. I remembered seeing commercials for this stuff ages ago. According to the commercials, you should spray it on your shower walls after each shower to keep it cleaner in between cleanings.
After a long morning of cleaning that shower, I was ready to try anything, so I picked up a bottle at the Mart. At home, I sprayed down the main wall and two corners of the shower and let it sit for a few minutes while I fixed SB some lunch. I returned to the bathroom a few minutes later, ready to scrub one more time. The sight that met my eyes at our bathroom door was enough to stop me in my tracks and drop my jaw to the floor.
I swear to you, that shower wall and corners were sparkling white and pristine like never before. I still can't believe it. I did a little happy dance and then made it rain Tilex all over that tub like a hurricane in New Orleans.
I don't know what's in that stuff, but to me it is pure gold. Due to its high rate of effectiveness, I would guess that it is probably toxic enough to burn a hole through the ozone layer, but how do I know if the ozone layer really ever existed in the first place? I've never seen it.
Jack came home for lunch, and the first thing I made him do was go into the bathroom and look at our shower. He was just as surprised but perhaps not as excited. He's never scrubbed that tub before though.
Mom, I can't wait until you come back over here. I am buying you a bottle of Tilex Mold and Mildew Killer today. You won't believe your eyes.
Seriously, if you know what is good for you, you will go out and buy some for yourself.
Please allow me to borrow from Etta James to help express my feelings for Tilex:
aaaaaat laaaaast,
my love has come along.
My scrubbing days are over!!!
And life is like a song...
Spoiler alert: Everyone on my Christmas list is getting Tilex this year.
"I did a little happy dance and then made it rain Tilex all over that tub like a hurricane in New Orleans." THAT, Emily, is solid gold.
I also use Tilex - that stuff don't mess around.
this is just what i needed. i can always count on you, em. I was about to have to have our tub in our current coast rental refinished. I am trying this today. You may have just saved me the big bucks.
Borrowed it, used it, loved it. The smell is a little strong but I think it is worth it. I cleaned two tubs and a shower in a fifty-year-old house in fifteen minutes.
I'm a believer now.
I'm going to the store TODAY to buy some. I can't keep my shower clean. I scrub and scrub to no avail. I'm SO excited about this!
update: mom used it. loved it. I'm taking a bottle out to the condo to take care of business. You're the best.
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