Our Sweet Sarah Beth


Darling Little Debbie


Monday, February 9, 2009

Pavlov's Little Puppy

We've recreated Pavlov's conditioning experiment with Sarah Beth. She's learned the sound that M&Ms make when dropped into our candy bowl, and whenever she hears it, she drops what she is doing and runs, mouth first, toward the sound.

Below you can see the video of this experiment, recorded for posterity, to show that dogs are not the only creatures that can be conditioned. It works in kids too. I shot another short video (less than 20 seconds) to show the reaction on her face when she hears the M&Ms. You can see that here:


Listen for the M&Ms at five seconds.

But be sure to watch the video below first.


Amanda Gregory said...

That is AWESOME. Glad you enjoyed the birth announcement!

Tracy~ said...

that is the funniest thing! Her smile is so cute and I love her little voice!
